Will Gagne-Maynard

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This is a project that started as a class assignment for UW eScience’s Software Enginnering for Data Scientists and is currently under development.

Sample site and analysis

Image of representative sampling site and difficulty of using traditional spreadsheet tools.

The purpose of this toolkit is to provide aquatic researchers with a reproducable way of cleaning, visualizing and analyzing high-resolution chemical data from both spatial and temporal sensors. More and more environmental scientists are adopting these high-resolution sensors that can sample at rates up to 1 sample / second, but questions remain as to the ability to clean and analyze this data. With this tool, we hope to provide a method for reproducable data cleaning and analysis as well as providing a platform for reserachers to view their data spatially and combine it with the wealth of spatial resources availble in Google Earth Engine.

Smoothing Statistics

Link to our Github

Link to Demo Notebook